"Being an expert on a certain subject means, you need to constantly improving our knowledge and skills on that particular subject, those who stop improving themselves, they were no longer an expert"
*Choosing the easier way* -prefer not to trouble themselves, lazy to work or not even trying to change our self.
*Choosing an instant joy* -The long term effect and and the result of our doing was ignored and rather choose on what we can take or joy now without long term plan.
(>_<) one of the assignment for SSI subject was creating a blog ? ?
well, it's educational blog I guess .
hehe, I never thought I'll make that kind of blog before . p/s : the blog was for assignment purpose only, so the blog won't be publish anywhere . hehe
hUHu^^, xtaw laa . knape ku rasa rindu pada malam-malam ku pada semester yg lepas-lepas..mungkin kerna ku tak biasa dgn keadaan yg tenang dan senang tanpa kerja . .
p/s : kerja itu amanah, dan amanah itu jangan sesekali kita minta..tp, apabila ALLAH sudah serahkan amanah itu pada kita, kita kena terima..dan jalankan amanah kita sehabis baik :)