

Friday, June 3, 2011

mEre m0vie time^^

AsSalaMuaLaiKum wmt . .
hyE ! It's movie time ! ! ! ! hUHu^^,v today was my day off with the work . . yup, friday is the day off !
s0, I'm really looking up for something to do today . after tired taking my mom from my aunt house
( she just back from vacation to vietnam )
at 3.30 am I'm off to Nilai and went back to muar at 8.30 .
0kayh ! back to our main topic ! the m0vie I'm talking about is . .
just go with it
It was a nice movie^^ I assume . .
hEHe . Appreciate people around you . . maybe, just maybe, she is one for you . .
"she is the most perfect women in the world, but the problem is . . she is not YOU ~"
haha . . have nice night frens !
wassalam wmt . .