

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Ouh ! I've been travelling to Langkawi since last saturday till yesterday .
just arriving here in tg malim at 12.30 p.m last night .
w0oahh >__< exhausted driving from k.perlis !
There are too much things to story in a post . s0, I'm decided to make it in few posts . hehe .

Monday, December 19, 2011

Final EXAM is approaching .

Ouh man ! my final exam start on 4th january . .
I think, this semester, I've been through many things..
good, bad, worst and challenging . .
huhu^^, I've to admit that, the day when my leg was broken is the toughest day I'd ever had..
It's affects me whole..even my study..
that's why, this semester . I'm not scoring well on my carry mark..
I hope I'll do my very best for my EXAM .

Sunday, December 18, 2011

11 things [T__T]

sy telah dipaksa oleh seorang insan yg bernama landlord untuk sertai acara ini . . dan sy telah RELA dipaksa . . 
peraturan2 adalah seperti berikut : this rules
2. write 11 things about urself
3. answers the question given
4. Choose 11 bloggers to be tagged and link them to the post
5.You're NOT allowed to tag back ( I mean to the person who tags you )

11 THINGS about me . .

1. Muhammad Shamim bin Zulkefli . . (adew yg panggil kusai, sham, shamim . . )
2. Berdarah org cemerlang . . darah A
3. Umur . . . hanyalah sebuah angka c(=
4. dok muO..johor..
5. ketinggian hanyalah 169cm sahaja..
6. belom kawen . . 
7. pengalaman bekerja : mekanik, mat dispatch, driver . .
8. suka gile kat fizik . OK dgn bio . kim????='(
9. x suka fikir 11 perkara tentang diri sy . 
10. x taw 11 perkara tentang diri sy .
11. Itu sahaja 11 perkara tentang diri sy .
12 . (-___-") bkn anda shj yg pown da pelik dah..

1.single or taken, kalau taken bgtaw name.. wow! sekali lagi wow! 
 taken by Zalinah binti Bachik and Zulkefli B. Saat since my birth :D

2.umur paling sesuai utk kawin.
sekarang . . (-___-") concept.
yg tidak mendatangkan fitnah . .

4. kalau boleh undur mase, ape nk buat?
soklan menipu . . xnk jawab . .

5.chocolate or ice cream?
ikan cencaru masak asam pedas mak sy . . x pedulik ! nk jugak !

6. who is in your mind? post gmbr skali.
Lect kimia sy . hoho . lelaki yew bkn pmpuan, doesn't mean I'm gay . .  
. . . . . . . . . . 
mana adew gambar lect kim sy kowt . 

7. favorite social networking and why?
*(ini bukan social, sy suka bukak what?)

8. 1st impression.
. . . . . . .

9. knp blogging?
sebab duit internet dah bayar . kaLo dwet tenet x baya camne nk blogging kan ?

10. wish which is yet to come true
finishing this post . (-__-")

11. post favorite pict of me.
errr . . rahsia ~

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

100th POST : wordless wednesday


w0oah..this is my 100th post .
hehe . well, get excited for just simple reason .

Monday, December 12, 2011

Regular morning is THE BEST !


Regular ? what is meant by regular ?
well, nothing particular about it..
simply a simple one .
hUHu^^, well . . to be precise . .
Last month, going to the class with the broken leg was soooo troublesome . . going to class with my stick, with the leg covered by the cement . . 
Ya ALLAH >_<
and today^^, I can walk again . . like a regular person . .
though, the pain still insist while I'm walking . .
but, I'm grateful to be able to walk again .
Here are some benefits when you WALKING :

1. Reduce your weight and prevents type 2 diabetes . *girls out there want to get slim..just walk..haha
2. Strengthen your heart..
3. g0od for your brain !
4. g0od for your bones !
5. Help reducing depression .
6. reduce the risk of of breast and colon cancer [@.@]
7. Improving your fitness . .
8. Improves physical function . .

Wahh ~ the art of walking was astonish ! haha . no wonder I'm misS my regular walking day . HAHAHA

Sunday, December 11, 2011

START scheduling my schedule

Hi everyone . s0, the day has yet come ~
hehe . the day where planing my schedule would be so painful . .
*I suppose, everyone in UPSI, especially in my course (science) . . having the same problem as me*
0k, so . . what criteria that you guys made for next semester ?
avoiding class early in the morning ?
having the same class with your gf/bf ?
avoiding lecturer that you less prefer ?
*come tell me*
This is some of the situation I've commonly heard from my friends . .

Class @ 8 a.m :
[=="] soooo sleepy to get up ~ wish I'm not gonna take class at 8 next semester . .

Class @ 1 p.m :
[>_<] soooo hungry n tired ! class at the mid day is the worst !

Class @ 5 p.m :
[*_*] . . . . . . . . . (too tired even to talk..)

Ermm . then, what time you suppose have the best condition to have class ? ? ? ? err . be GRATEFUL friends ! ! ! !

Friday, December 9, 2011

strange isn't it?

Things rarely been in a way that we want . .
sometimes, it went far from our expectations . .
Hurm . been a while since I wrote in my only blog . .
Haa . at least, I could spent some time for my blog . .
Hurm . my final exam is around the corner . .
yet, I feel like . . . . . 
Haizzzz ~

Thursday, November 24, 2011

SOMBONG itu bukan AKU

Kisah nye bermula apabila aku ditimpa kemalangan hampir sebulan yg lepas . . disebabkan kakiku yg patah nih . bnyk perkara yg mudah menjadi sukar untuk dilakukan .
selain melaksanakan kewajipan ALLAH,
aku gagahi juga untuk melaksanakan kewajipan seorang pelajar universiti .
astaghfirullah . penat yg amat . berjalan bertongkat shj rase lenguh seluruh badan .
dalam keadaan yg camni, pasti ramai yg cuba untuk hulurkan tgn membantu .
bnyk juga yg ku tolak bantuannya .
kite da susah, perlukah susahkan org lain . .
rasa malu untuk aq terima pertolongan rakan-rakan aku .
apa yg pernah ku lakukan untuk rakan-rakan ku ?
aku x nak org kata aku mengambil kesempatan terhadap apa yg berlaku . mulut tempayan boleh ditutup . . mulut manusia kalo tutup . kebulur lah tuannya .
sesungguhnya bersabar diatas ujian Allah itu kifarah dosa .
biarlah aku tahu, sesakit mana sebelah kakiku berjalan ini .
itulah dosa-dosa yg aq pikul .

Aku memohon ampun Ya Allah, Maha Penerima Taubat,
Aku memohon ampun Ya Allah daripada segala dosa,

Tambahkan kepadaku ilmu yang berguna,
Berikanlah aku amalan yang dimakbulkan,
Kurniakan kepadaku rezeki yg meluas,
Terimalah taubat kami dgn taubat nasuha

Saturday, November 19, 2011

di SAAT itu..

Kalian tidak akan tahu selagi tidak merasainya..
empati lah. .
fikirlah seperti mana orang itu rasa . seperti mana dilaluinya .
simpati . .
hanyalah perasaan melihat seseorang itu melaluinya .
hulur lah tangan . .
Berat sangat kah tangan yg dipinjam dr TUHAN untuk dihulurkan kepada yang lain ?
janjiku . .
akan pasti ku ber-empati terhadap orang lain bukan sekadar simpati . . akan ku hulurkan tangan lemah ku . kepada sesape yang memerlukan . 
Apa yg ditanya oleh ALLAH nanti, bukanlah hasil sesuatu kerja itu . tetapi usaha kamu melaksanakan kerja itu . .
"seekor burung cuba memadamkan api yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim, kerana takut untuk berhadapan dengan ALLAH satu hari nanti . walaupun dilihat sia-sia tapi, itulah usaha termampu yang dibuat burung itu"
Masya-ALLAH . .
ramai yg memberitahu . 
"dugaan nih pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya..bersabarlah.."
rasa berdosa . 
apabila, dugaan yang ku hadapi ni . ku caci-caci .
terlintas di hati . .
"Hikmah??tidak ada langsung hikmah yg ku dapat dengan keadaan sebegini ! aq give up !"
di SAAT aku kesorangan disurau itu . .
datang seorang insan yg memperkenalkan dirinya kpd ku .
senyuman palsu ku berikan dan berbual dengannya .
dia berkata .
"adik, kalo kita buat tazkirah bersama-sama sekejap bole?"
anggukku bersetuju redha ,
katanya .
"syukur dik, kaki adik patah . kifarah dosa nih . Allah sayangkan adik lah sebab tuh bagi ujian camni . insya-Allah satu hari nanti kaki adik baik, bagaimana pula dengan org lain yg mMg dah tiada kaki? apa yg adik lalui ini lah yg dilalui mereka setiap hari . redha taw dik"
hati kecilku berkata .
"terima kasih ya ahi . ini lah yg aku perlukan . hanya kata-kata semangat sahaja dah cukop menaikkan semangat aku untuk terus bersabar . . "
tazkirah itu tidak lama . kerana isya' menanti kami . .
Ya ALLAH, terima kasih kerana menghantar seorang hamba mu mengingatkan kepada hamba mu yang hampir kufur terhadap nikmat mu . permudahkan urusan hamba mu yg lemah ini dan jadikanlah aku penyabar dan mampu bersabar dengan setiap dugaanmu .

Thursday, November 17, 2011




*are you mad?*

*This is my bLog*

*got problem ?*

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

saya RINDU . . anda ?

Hurm . Hari ni xde m0od nk speaking2 . . sbb hari nih nak feeling2 jap . keh3 . .
Aku andaikan . . tak semua pernah menjadi warga matrikulasi . . ada yang melalui kehidupan tingkatan 6 . ada yang pergi ke politeknik . . ada yang pergi terus ke universiti . .
Tp, kan . . Aku rase . kehidupan matriks selama setahun seperti penuh dengan memori indah2 belaka . rasa cam best jew .
belek-belek gamba lama jew bole buat aq tersengeh .
Huu^^. bukan nak ku katakan kt sini yang hidup di universiti nih x best . BEST gak . tp, apa yg menghairankan . .
dok matriks setahun jew kan ?
tp, aq rasa macam-macam berlaku .
tgk laa skit2 gamba di matrikulasi terchentaku .

okayh . skang dah jadik emo jap . .
haha .

Monday, November 14, 2011

ini baru JIWANG !

mood : ala-ala jiwang skit .
s0, rase terhingin plak nk post lagu jiwang kt sini .
keh3 .

kLik kt link atas nih . jom layan feeling

NEVER thought of it

Never thought that, by just walking going to class feel sooooo tired like this !
Urghh , my entire body feel numb just by walking with half of my legs is hanging . . 
I think, this picture tell the best how's my condition is . .
but, in my case the left leg was hanging . .
feel so weak now . especially going through the slippery floor due to heavy rain at the late evening .
hopefully, tomorrow will be much better than today .
sleepy now . after isya' prayer . and a little bit revising my study .
I'll sleep early tonight .

deactivating FB for a while

The reason ? nothing more than just a personal matter .
Huhu . maybe one day I'll activating my fb again .
I wonder, how long I can hold myself from activating it .
now I'm back to the books rather than facebook ~
wish me best of luck for the rest of my semester !
w0oh0o ~ going to classes after having a break surely refreshing ~
I hope nothing bad happen to me today .
aminnnn ~

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ouh ! Parit Jawa ~

While I was look around in my facebook wall . something caught my attention ! haha . lets see ~

The movie was made at Parit Jawa ! hak3 .
though, I'm not ORANG JAWA . but i lived in Parit Jawa .

Friday, November 11, 2011

1st TIME join the "tag" event

Hurmm . It's been real nice to someone tagging me for a game since I have nothing to update my blog with .
s0, ok ! I'll join . .
ouh . I was tagged by Mcflurry oreo . .

here are the rules :
1) each person must post things about yourself..
2) answer the tagger set for you in their post & create 11 new questions for the people you tagged the answer.
3) choose 11 people to tag the post & link them the post.
4) go to their page & tell them you tagged her/him.
5) no tags back.

Here are 11 things about me
1. The name is muhammad shamim bin zulkefli . in UPSI people called me shamim,sham . but the most popular one actually kusai
2. live in kmpg seri menanti . waittt ! not in negeri sembilan okayh ! seri menanti, pt jawa, muar, JOHOR !
3. I'm a hard thinker . .
4. my hobby is to empathy other person . (thinking of what other people thinking) 
5. I'll be on a meeting place 30minutes earlier .
6. A workaholic-type person .
7. Currently trying to like blue (faithful symbol) .

8. I can talk/argue about physic hours (physic is my life !)
9. Ouh?! attracted to short girl . (-__-") don't ask me why . .
10. not considering sleep as a rest but more than a need . .

11. A fast-walker person . I can't walk slow . . dunno why .
That's for SECTION A . now for SECTION B . .
*tired already..haha*
kalau bukan di UPSI,mungkin anda di mana sekarang ini ?
ツhome sweet home..
* tempat yang menjadi kunjungan wajib korunk bila balik ke kampung ?
ツTok-tam's house (my neighbor's house)
* buku yang menjadi kecintaan korunk ?
ツNo excuse (Brian tracy),Why man can't listen women can't read maps(Allan & Barbara please)
* lau makan kat kedai,air apa yang menjadi pilihan korunk ?
ツhot coffee O, ros cyrup+lime ice 
* andaikan satu hari nanti Oreo ada rezeki nak belanja korunk,ap yang korunk nak Oreo belanja ?
ツMee Bandung Muar(original)
* negeri yang belum pernah korunk jejak kan kaki ?
ツSarawak, Sabah, Perlis, Penang, and kedah . .
* jika diberi peluang untuk korunk pilih negara yang korunk suka,negara mana korunk nak duduk ?
* antara kuning,kelabu dan maroon korunk suka yang mana ?
* korunk obsesi terhadap ?
* perkara pertama yang akan korunk lakukan bila sampai bilik ?ツput my bag on the chair
* 1 perkataan yang menggambarkan Oreo !
ツtallest girl I've ever met @.@

Haaa ~ everyone has been tagged . s0, no tags from me . wakakaka .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

THE reas0n is..

Haaa . some of you may noticed that I've been not updating my blog since a while..s0b3 . It's not that I don't want to . simply, my condition right now makes me having nothing to tell you .
Haaaaa . do you think . .
"hi guys,,I'm laying at my bed whole day and sometimes faceb0oking.." will get anu interest from you guys ?
absolutely not ! that's why, when there is nothing I can tell you.. I won't . . (though updating my blog was part of my assignment)..
OHHHHH DEAR LEG . please heal as fast as you can .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

THE day is not always BRIGHT

hi..(",) everyone . . It's day 5 I'm single-legged . .
hurmm, hopefully it get better s0on . cause there are lot of program I want to attend to . T___T

last night I went to "watikah perlantikan EXCO SRN" at campus .
the venue was at bitarasiswa (the closest building from the gate entrance) . with the effort of my one leg and a friend of mine, I went there . and guess what ?
It's like a journey take 10km of walking . YA ALLAH . so tiredsome . friends, please be grateful on what you have now .
everything will become something if you take things lightly .
and today, there will be mid-term test for nuclear and radiation . .
but, I can't attend . .
hurmm . the more I say it . the more I realize the gift give by ALLAH s.w.t was so precious . .
have a nice day friends . . 

Monday, October 31, 2011


g0od m0rning everyone ! !
It's been a while I'm not updating my blog .
ouh ! bout the post's tittle ?
yup . look at the pic . .
see the balck spot I made ?
haaa . the crack was there .
and now I can't walk without the stick . .
just be patient myself .

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sudden sad ? why ?


Haaa ~ this is weird . I got sad and I dunno why !
what is sadness actually 

"Sadness is a feeling — it's one of the many normal human emotions, or moods, we all have. Sadness is the emotion people feel when they've lost something important, or when they have been disappointed about something, or when something sad has happened to them or to someone else."

Do I lost something ?
(of course . everyone do lost something in their life . . )
Do I disappointed ?
(yeahh . disappointed . . )
Does everone else sad ?
(I pretty sure, I dunno . . )

When Is It Natural to Feel Sad?

One of the reason is when you don't feel great about yourself . .
yup . I'm no great at all . haha .

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It seems to be a good day to start revising your study huh ? ? ?
haish ~ let see . . what my ridiculous mind thinking while study all the subject this semester . . =="

ok ! First, lets study Chemistry ! !
<study for a while>
I don't think I have the CHEMISTRY with this subject . .
erm . nevermind the chem . . let's continue with nuclear and radiation . .
<study for a while>
ARGHH . . . my head gonna go NUKE ! my eye RADIATED !

huh ! next is basic electronic . .
<study for a while>
There is no BASIC in it ? ? ? ! ! ! !

==" ok, lets continuing the study . BYE !

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

SPIRIT down . may day ! !

Arghh . at the moment you feel like you in a very good shape to do anything(study,revision and assignment especially) . .
and that's the time where everything not on your side . .
and this making you feel down to do anything . .
arghhh . screaming silently ! !
okayh right . . in my cases . let these picture tell you . what happen just now ! grr . .

whatttttttttt ? ? ?
fffuuuu . . Li maza fin-nar !
Thanx for read this emotional post !

Monday, October 24, 2011

yet ANOTHER laptops ?

arghhhh . . I'm start to get the feeling that KHAR is not a better place anymore ! the day before yesterday. another 2 laptops were went missing ! need to be mentioned here . actually, there were many cases involving thievery around KHAR before(within this semester) . 
Haizz ~ since I was here, I think this session is the most worst ever . It's been more than 10 laptops gone !
who's the face behind the mask !
Hurm . what was the person thinking, stealing other laptop ?
Ya ALLAH hu robbi . . don't you ever scared your creator ?
you can hide, you can run in earth . .
but, when the day of judgement arrive . everything will be revealed and you'll be turned in court on ALLAH .

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Headache . T__T


Haish~The fatigue was accumulated for this whole week and YES was so tiring . . Huhu^^. never felt like this way before .
Last night, It wasn't a productive night for me . back from lab session at 11pm . and start hitting the bed . yeah ~ do nothing !
haha . it was a relief today . the headache was gone !
 hurmm .
Surah Hud : 11
Except those who are patient (to disasters), and work deeds of righteousness, for them is forgiveness(for their sin) and great reward(Pahala)"